Guide d'implémentation Fr Core
2.0.0 - trial-use France flag

This page is part of the Guide d'implémentation Fr Core (v2.0.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: FR Core CodeSystem Contact Relationship

Official URL: Version: 2.0.0
Draft as of 2024-03-25 Computable Name: FRCoreCodeSystemContactRelationship


This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This case-sensitive code system defines the following codes:

WRD Dépositaire de la tutelle judiciare
GRD Tuteur
CUR Représentant légal
CURTL Curatelle
EDUREF Educateur référent
SVG Sauvegarde juridique
K Personne de confiance
P Personne à ne pas prévenir
FAMMEMB family member
CHILD child
CHLDADOPT adopted child
DAUADOPT adopted daughter
SONADOPT adopted son
CHLDFOST foster child
SONFOST foster son
DAUC daughter
STPDAU stepdaughter
SONC son
STPSON stepson
STPCHLD step child
EXT extended family member
AUNT aunt
COUSN cousin
GGRPRN great grandparent
GGRFTH great grandfather
GGRMTH great grandmather
GRNDCHILD grandchild
GRNDDAU granddaughter
GRNDSON grandson
GRPRN grandparent
GRFTH grandfather
GRMTH grandmather
CHLDINLAW child in-law
DAUINLAW daughter in-law
PRNINLAW parent in-law
FTHINLAW father in-law
MTHINLAW mother in-law
SIBINLAW sibbling in-law
BROINLAW brother in-law
SISINLAW sister in-law
NIENEPH niece/nephew
NEPHEW nephew
NIECE niece
UNCLE uncle
PRN parent
ADOPTP adoptive parent
ADOPTF adoptive father
ADOPTM adoptive mother
FTH father
FTHFOST foster father
NFTH natural father
STPFTH step father
MTH mother
MTHFOST foster mother
GESTM gestational mother
NMTH natural mother
STPMTH stepmother
NPRN natural parent
STPPRN step parent
SIB sibling
BRO brother
HBRO half-brother
NBRO natural brother
TWINBRO twin brother
STPBRO stepbrother
HSIB half-sibling
HSIS half-sister
NSIB natural sibling
NSIS natural sister
TWINSIS twin sister
TWIN twin
SIS sister
STPSIS stepsister
STPSIB step sibling
SIGOTHR significant other
DOMPART domestic partner
SPS spouse
HUSB husband
WIFE wife
FRND unrelated friend
NBOR neighbor